Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Beginning...

When one has lived for 6 decades and raised 8 children and stayed married to 1 man, assisted in delivering more than 30 babies, done daycare while home schooling to make ends meet, insured that each of her children felt they were the most loved (even at 38!), encouraged many new moms, cooked over 10,800 dinners, created a beautiful home on a shoestring, all the while looking beautiful and still getting carded... there are many life lessons and stories that could remain untold. Aren't stories, real, true, actual stories the best life lessons for us? When you know that someone has been through extreme pain and suffering, you trust their words a little more when they say "hang on." When someone has weathered many storms and has seen the calms seas again, their words of hope somehow have a bit more strength. When one can laugh and dance in the middle of pain, you strain a little harder to hear when they speak.

I am beginning this blog because my mom is this woman to me. Her stories, her listening ear, her words of encouragement have been lifelines to me at many times. I just thought it was about time to get her to tell her stories.